The Center For Living In Harmony
Little Creek Acres Farm
Historical & Functional Data
- The Center For Living In Harmony (The Center) is a 501(c)3 educational and charitable nonprofit public
benefit organization, founded in November 1992.
- Little Creek Acres Farm is a 10-acre demonstration facility that was donated to The Center unencumbered in
January 1993 and has remained unencumbered due to vigilance, donor support, and judicial management.
- The Center and Little Creek Acres have been totally volunteer-operated and supported since 1993.
There is no payroll.
- The Center provides unique agricultural and environmental experiential learning opportunities not available in
the classroom or in any other place, for people of all ages and interest levels.
- Our educational services are characterized by a high level of respect for the individual, low student to teacher
ratios, personalized instruction, and the caringness that goes into being attentive to and relating to the needs
of the individual as well as the group.
- We are one of the few demonstration sites of the vanishing small family farm model in Southern California. Our
partners in providing community service programs over the years have included:
California Ag In The Classroom Foundation
California Arboriculture Society
California Rare Fruit Growers
Girl Scouts of America
Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego County
Salvation Army
San Diego Senior Gleaners
San Diego State University
UC Extension Services
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
United States Marines
United Way Youth Service Corp
USDA Small Farm Center, Davis
Valley Center Chamber of Commerce
If there is a way we can be of service to you or to those you serve, please contact us.
To find out how you can help, please click on
Volunteer Opportunities or Donations.
The Center For Living In Harmony
Little Creek Acres Farm
13802 Little Creek Lane, Valley Center, CA 92082
Phone:760-749-9634 Fax:760-749-0720
E-Mail Address:
All farm visits are by appointment only.
Please call ahead so we may schedule quality time with you.